Tuesday, April 5, 2011

National Poetry Month: 30 New Poems--Poem 5

Combing through my saved and bookmarked poems that I never got around to reading has been lots of fun. This National Poetry Month series is a hit in my mind. I hope you're enjoying it, too.

Today's new (to me) poem comes via a great blog, How a Poem Happens. I don't know how he does it, but blogger Brian Brodeur gets poets to share poems with him and answer some really interesting questions about them. It's like getting to pick a poet's brain for a few moments. It's one of my favorite blogs to read. You simply must check it out.

Today's poem was posted back in February. I saved it, but never gave it much attention until now. It certainly deserves attention, in my opinion:

By Keetje Kuipers

If I have any romantic notions left,
please let me abandon them here
on the dashboard of your Subaru
beside this container of gas station
potato salad and bottle of sunscreen.
Otherwise, my heart is a sugar packet
waiting to be shaken open by some
other man’s hand

Read the rest of the poem at Brian's blog. The originality of the "my heart is a sugar packet" metaphor is enough to call this poem "awesome," but the vivid imagery conjured up here and the rambling, run-on way of describing it are great, too. This poem strikes a chord with me and I just love how much it does in so few lines.

See you tomorrow for poem #6!

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